Academic Appointments and Promotions for Community Physicians

The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine’s (CCOM) ability to provide the quality of medical education to our students and university of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) residents depends greatly on the contributions of physicians from across Iowa. This support is valued by CCOM and UIHC

An academic appointment is a significant honor and an important way in which CCOM can express its appreciation to community physicians for the time and expertise they provide in teaching our medical students and UIHC residents.

Adjunct clinical appointments are non-salaried, and offered to individuals that provide medical instruction to these learners in their own medical practice.

Academic Appointments

To meet the College’s accreditation requirements some physician preceptors are required to have faculty status before they can accept students in core clerkship rotations.  CCOM is able to provide the physician with an academic appointment to satisfy this requirement.

In addition, community physicians that teach non-core medical student rotations or UIH residents are also able to apply for an academic appointment as recognition for their teaching contributions. This appointment enables them to use an academic title, access faculty resources at the University (such as online library resources), and participate in Continuing Medical Education opportunities provided by the University of Iowa.

Academic Promotions

Community physicians with an active academic appointment with CCOM may apply for a promotion in academic rank, if they so wish. It is not required to seek a promotion to maintain status as a preceptor, but may be beneficial to individuals that are involved in clinical research or spend significant time in an academic environment.

How OSCEP Can Help

OSCEP’s role is to provide information and support to community physicians as they prepare to apply for an adjunct appointment or academic promotion.

We accept applications on behalf of the College and track them on behalf of the community physician.

Additional information on the criteria for Adjunct and Adjunct Clinical track appointments and promotions are available from the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.