Visiting Professor Program
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Since 1973, the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) has been providing visiting professor activities to the University of Iowa Affiliated Family Medicine Residency Programs across the state. The Visiting Professor Program is an important source of educational support in these community-based settings where family medicine residents, medical students, physician assistant students, and clinical pharmacy students’ train.
As visiting professors, CCOM faculty present teaching conferences and participate in other educational activities at these Iowa community-based residency programs. Faculty visits serve two purposes. They contribute to the basic training of family medicine residents and health professions students, and they provide a source of education for the faculty and other physicians in the geographic regions where the residency programs are located.
2024 Visiting Professor Program
A detailed annual report of visiting professor activities for 2023-2024 is available to download below. Carver College of Medicine faculty and staff contributed 112 teaching days to the Visiting Professor Program.
Seventy-two (72) individuals from 14 College of Medicine departments provided lectures this past year. Instruction occurred in five Iowa communities involving six residency programs and nine affiliated teaching hospitals.