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Community-Based Medical Education
Community-Based Medical Education
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The CBME Division of OSCEP is responsible for the administration and coordination of the Statewide Medical Education System (SMES) in partnership with the UI Carver College of Medicine’s five Regional Medical Education Centers. The SMES provides the venue for carrying out the College’s medical education activities that occur outside the academic health center in communities across the state.
CBME and the UI-Affiliated Family Medicine Training Network
The UI-Affiliated Family Medicine Training Network comprises seven family medicine residency programs in six Iowa communities. The CBME Division administers the state grants for the program and provides a wide variety of support services to the residency programs involved.
Visiting Professor Program
One of those services is the Visiting Professor Program. Through the Visiting Professor Program, Carver College of Medicine faculty present teaching conferences and participate in other education activities at the community-based residency programs.
Resident Information System
The Division also maintains the Residency Information System, a longitudinal database containing information on all family medicine physicians who have entered residency training in the Statewide Programs.
Family and Community Medicine Clerkship
The CBME Division, in partnership with the UI Department of Family Medicine, also supports the Family and Community Medicine Clerkship, which is a required six-week experience for medical students in their first year of clinical rotations. In addition, staff support arrangements that provide other student and resident activities at community-based sites.
Supporting Volunteer Faculty
The CBME Division engages in a variety of activities to support the volunteer faculty across the state who teach our students and residents. That support includes coordination of adjunct clinical faculty appointment requests for community faculty and access to the Hardin Library. The Division administers a faculty development program in which workshops are provided on a semi-annual basis at the five Regional Medical Education Center sites.